32nd Congress of the AMCSTI: Cultivating Science and Technology

32nd Congress of the AMCSTI

Our team attended the 32nd Congress of the AMCSTI, which took place from the 25th to the 27th June in Amiens. This year, the theme retained was the link between science, technical and industrial culture and the culture of innovation. The 2 plenaries and the 5 workshop sessions thus gave attendees the opportunity to reflect on the social issues stemming from the relationship between STIC and industry, and to understand how close cooperation between all the stakeholders is indispensable for society to progress. The programme also included reflections on the ever-growing extent of digital technology in STIC, on the culture of entrepreneurship, and on the transmission of the scientific and technical vocation to youth.

A new event this year, the “business bistrot”, was organised during the congress to facilitate contacts between participants and to allow project developers to find partners. Science & You took part in this event. The dates of the next AMCSTI Congress have already been announced: the 33rd edition will take place in Chambéry from the 23rd to the 25th June 2015.